Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison of Genesis 1 2 - 1479 Words

Brady Pair Dr. Stewart REL 1330 Introduction to Christianity HONORS Section September 18, 2013 Comparison between Genesis 1 Genesis 2 The story of creation begins with Genesis 1 and 2, it explains how the world and it’s living inhabitants were created from God’s touch. From Genesis 1 we see how the sky, seas, land, animals, and mankind were created. However Genesis 2 focuses more on the first of mankind, known as Adam and Eve and how they are made to be. In this paper I will compare Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and what the main idea for creation is in each one, however in my opinion there is no contradiction between the two. Genesis 2 merely fills in the details that are headlined in Genesis 1. In Genesis 1 we learn how God created the†¦show more content†¦Another possibility is that there were two stories being told and the writer could not decide which one to put in the bible, so he put both. Though there are two clashing stories, the basic idea for this story of creation can still be seen. This might explain why Genesis 1 has a broader spectrum of creat ion and why Genesis 2 focuses mainly on the creation of man. In Genesis 1 the names of man are not even mentioned. In Genesis 2 however we come to learn that their names are Adam (male) and Eve (female). Also in Genesis 2 we learn exactly how Eve is created; Goad takes a rib from Adam and makes Eve from that rib. Then she is called woman, because she is made from man (Gen 2:23). This appears nowhere in Genesis 1. Another possibility is that Genesis was also put in the Bible to show us how important the creation of man was. After all we are the only things that God created in his image (Gen 1:26). God makes a garden in Eden and puts Adam in the eastern part of Eden to care over and keep it in order. He then instructs him about what trees to eat from and which to not eat from. Before God makes him a helper (on the 6th day) he brings all the creatures to Adam to name all the animals and birds (Gen 2:15). Then God reflects back at what he previously made before man. (Gen 1:24-25 explains the creatures made from the earth â€Å"according to its kind†) and has Adam name them before he puts him asleep to operate on him to give him his wifeShow MoreRelatedGENESIS AND ANCIENT MYTHS OF THE NEAR EAST930 Words   |  4 PagesWhen one approaches the biblical text, it is important to explore the cultural context in which the text occurs. With regard to the Book of Genesis, it is important to examin e the writing with other contemporary works of similar geography and topics. The people of ancient Mesopotamia, where the oldest civilizations originated, produced a number of stories of creation and natural occurrences. 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